Welcome to a spooky and delightfully pumpkin-themed VG Story on jack-o'-lanterns! Because we are wishing you all a safe Halloween, we've decided to create a picture story on how to carve (and explode) pumpkins... digitally, and away from sharp objects. Let's get started!

First, let's do what we do best: CT scan a pumpkin

Look at all these sleeping pumpkin babies

Even digitally, we need to take out the insides of the pumpkin. Let''s use our surface determination and segmentation tools to create an ROI out of the seeds and other pumpkin innards. Then set this ROI to transparent.

Now we can get to work on the hollow shell. Use segmentation tools, like polyline 3D, to carve the pumpkin from the inside out. Otherwise, we'll cut through the entire pumpkin. That would leave more of a mess!
Add a light source in the center of the pumpkin for that ghastly glow.

Use paper-thin ROIs to create slices! Rotational view allows you to make them into a piece of art

But be careful; too many slices and they'll all end up on the floor. If it looks like this, congratulations! Your pumpkin exploded.

A quick peek inside

If only it were that easy to separate the seeds from the pumpkin and cut it into bite-sized pieces
Check out how we render a jack-o-lantern for Halloween!
And let's go out with a bang!
Did we miss something? Or do you have an easier or more appealing way to carve a pumpkin? Let us know!
Ready to Learn More?
Users of VGSTUDIO MAX can find out more about segmentation, clipping tools, and lighting in the tutorials included in the software.
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If you have a VG Story to tell, let us know! Contact our Storyteller Team at: storytellers@volumegraphics.com. We look forward to hearing from you.